The VetStat cluster
The VetStat cluster is a part of the Danish Veterinary Consortium. The VetStat cluster is doing research on antimicrobial use in animals based on VetStat data and other data sources.
- Helle Stege, Associate Professor
- Amanda Brinch Kruse, Assistant Professor
- Liza Rosenbaum Nielsen, Professor
- Maya Katrin Gussmann, Special consultant
- Leonardo Victor de Knegt, Associate Professor
- Alice Puk Skarbye, Postdoc
- Jeanette Kristensen, PhD student
- Kimmie Kyed Lyderik, PhD student
What is VetStat?
VetStat is the Danish veterinary medicine register, in which records on sales of prescription veterinary medicine in Denmark are stored. In VetStat you also find specific information on veterinarians authorised in Denmark and Veterinary Advisory Service Contracts (VASC) between veterinarians and individual Danish pig and cattle herds.
All Danish and European citizens have access to VetStat including figures of the veterinary antimicrobial use in Denmark (
Tasks in the VetStat cluster
The VetStat Cluster is working with specific tasks from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration as well as externally funded projects. Besides research projects, the VetStat Cluster are responsible for maintenance tasks in relation to data management and handling requests on data from VetStat and CHR.
How to access VetStat and CHR data for research purposes?
The procedure for requesting data from VetStat and/or CHR is presented in the flow chart below. You can find more information about the procedure here:
Please forward your data request or any questions in this regard to

VetStat projekter
- VetStat-Kvæg
- VetStat-Svin og andre dyrearter
- SAF-projekt 2024
- Konsekvenser af restriktioner på antibiotikabehandling af grise
Please forward your data request to
Introduction to VetStat
Watch a video about VetStat